About Mission statement

We are an interdisciplinary research group at Fachhochschule Potsdam situated between interface design, computer science, and the humanities. Our work revolves around information visualization with a particular focus on the challenges and questions arising from social, cultural, and technological transformations. Our mission is to make sense of comprehensive datasets and complex issues by developing creative and critical approaches to visualization. All our research projects are collaborative in nature. We are cooperating with academic and cultural institutions as well as public and private organizations, especially in the contexts of digital humanities, science communication, and smart cities. The lab itself is a collaboration between the Interface Design department and the Urban Futures Institute. At the junction of design teaching and visualization research, we strive to have an impact in both academia and the world of practice. For the physical and social space of the lab, our ambition is to cultivate a stimulating environment for a transdisciplinary community of designers, developers, and scholars engaging with contemporary issues of societal relevance. We are keen to share our work with the broader public via prototypes, exhibitions and workshops, and with our academic peers through conferences and journals. The research lab is jointly directed by Marian Dörk, research professor for information visualization, and Boris Müller, professor for interaction design. Located in the main building on the FHP campus in Potsdam, the lab is a place where researchers and students with varying backgrounds especially interface design, informatics, and cultural studies are working together. We frequently invite  practitioners and researchers to our public lecture series information+visualization to speak about current issues in data visualization and related topics.

Activities What’s happening


26 March 2025

Boris Müller is giving a talk at the Institute of Design Research in Bern. The title of the talk is »Daten → Design → Visualisierung«. He will present and discuss design research activities and strategies from the UCLAB.


February – August 2025

The 26-year-old project »Ambulator« by Boris Müller is currently on display at the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe). It is an early visualisation of movements through the web and it is part of the exhibition »Choose Your Filter! Browser Art since the Beginnings of the World Wide Web«.


4 February 2025

Marian Dörk speaks about exploration and narration in visualizations of cultural collections in the Digital Classicist Seminar at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).


10 December 2024

Mark-Jan Bludau gives a presentation about unfolding cultural collections at the VAC Colloquium of the Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing of the University of Rostock.


14–16 November 2024

Marian Dörk participates in the Cultural Heritage Data & Power conference in Marburg and gives a presentation about the power of interactivity in data visualization.


11 November 2024

At the conference Approaches to Textiles – Scientific, Curatorial and Digital Perspectives (University of Münster), Sabine de Günther will present Restaging Fashion in the larger context of the presentation of garments in the digital realm.


8 November 2024

Sabine de Günther presents Restaging Fashion at the Jahrestagung 2024: Digitale Hochschule Brandenburg (Center of the Brandenburg Universities for Digital Transformation).


25 October 2024

Mark-Jan Bludau and Viktoria Brüggemann present the GraDiM project in the Last Friday’s Lab Talk series of the DHELab at the BBF (Research Library for the History of Education).


27–29 May 2024

Fidel Thomet and Nadia Zeissig show Xingú Entangled, an interactive video installation by the Amazonia Future Lab, at re:publica 24 in Berlin.


16–17 May 2024

Mark-Jan Bludau and Viktoria Brüggemann present their work in the GraDiM project during the MAI Tagung (museums and the internet) at the Jewish Museum, Berlin.

Contact Get in touch

Fachhochschule Potsdam
University of Applied Sciences

Hauptgebäude · Room 111

Kiepenheuerallee 5
14469 Potsdam

Marian Dörk
+49 331 580-4422

Boris Müller
+49 331 580-4423

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