Gianna-Carina Grün Data Journalism & Information Visualization
Gianna-Carina Grün is a Berlin based data journalist and associated researcher at the Urban Complexity Lab. Her research as a PhD candidate TU Dortmund focuses on how data journalism practitioners can support the interpretability of multidimensional charts.

She holds a Masters degree in Molecular Biomedicine and a Bachelor degree in Life Sciences from the University of Münster. In parallel to her university studies, she participated in a journalistic traineeship program by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Working as a science and online journalist, Gianna became interested in information visualization and completed online courses at University of Texas and the University of Arts London. The last time she sat in a university classroom was at Columbia Journalism School in New York City, where she completed the post-grad Lede Program that teaches journalists how to code. Since then, she works as a data journalist and editor at DW and spreads her enthusiasm for data-driven journalism as a ddj trainer.