Giacomo Nanni Information Visualization

Giacomo Nanni was a research associate at the UCLAB. His main field of interest lies in information visualizations and web development.

Projects Contributions

Publications Published Works

Tracing and Telling: Exploring collection holdings through graph-based narratives

— in: Konferenzband zur 27. Berliner Veranstaltung der internationalen EVA-Serie: Electronic Media and Visual Arts, 2023

Cultural collections have transcended the boundaries of physical showcases and storage cabinets, evolving into intricate digital webs of interconnected data. The research project Restaging Fashion aimed to expand the possibilities for experiencing the linkages in digitized cultural heritage, focusing on the visualization of collection holdings related to the history of garments. Through graph-based narratives, the project investigated the complex interplay between the linear – and at times tentative – art historical discourses and the non-linear explorations of associated cultural heritage data. The resulting visualizations have been designed with the aim to allow for curated and dynamic exploration of the collection along research essays and their interrelated graphs.


“The research is happening in the text fields” – Are Linked Open Data and Art History a good match?

— ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2023 (DH2023), 2023

This contribution explores the instructive tensions between art-historical research and semantic data modeling. While the potential of LOD-applications is obvious in terms of standardization and precision some aspects of research may not be formally represented. Therefore we propose to bridge LOD and full text descriptions through information visualization.
