Raoul Hausmann Collection A visualization experiment with data from the Berlinische Galerie

The prototype is an exploratory visualization of the data and images from the Raoul Hausmann estate at the Berlinische Galerie, aiming to provide insight into the diversity of the collection.



With the Hausmann collection, we examine the potential of traversing cultural collections along the richness of individual facets and relations through the process of developing an exploration-centered visualization. Cultural collections can contain thousands of artifacts, each typically possessing a diverse set of properties and individual facets tha

t constitute a unique relationship to the rest of the collection. Therefore, to create an appropriate representation of the complex data of each underlying artifact, it is often not only valuable to gain an overview of the entire collection from one perspective but also to explore the specific context of an artifact and the various relations it may have to other items.

To investigate the potential of relational perspectives, we collaborated with the Berlinische Galerie, using their Raoul Hausmann estate, following a collaborative and iterative design process. We developed a web interface that contrasts a collection overview with three situated visualizations, each exposing a different kind of relational perspective on the art collection from the viewpoint of an artifact.

The visualization project was created as part of the master’s thesis “Perspective-Dependent Data Visualizations” by Mark-Jan Bludau at FH Potsdam in collaboration with the Berlinische Galerie.


Publications Associated Publications

Relational perspectives as situated visualizations of art collections

— Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2021
With relational perspectives, we examine the potential of traversing cultural collections along the richness of individual facets and relations through the process of developing an exploration-centered visualization. Cultural collections can contain thousands of artifacts, of which each typically possesses a diverse set of properties and individual facets constituting a unique relationship to the rest of the collection. Therefore, to create an appropriate representation of the complex data of each underlying artifact, oftentimes, it is not only interesting to get an overview of the entire collection from one perspective, but to explore the specific context of an artifact and the various relations it may have to other items. To investigate the potential of relational perspectives, we selected an art collection as a particularly promising case study. By following and reporting from a collaborative and iterative design process with an art museum, we developed a web interface that contrasts a collection overview with three situated visualizations each exposing a different kind of relational perspective on the art collection from an artifact.

Relational Perspectives as Situated Visualizations of Art Collections

— In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities conference (DH) 2019: Complexities. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2019
With relational perspectives we explore the potential of a new type of approach for the exploration of cultural collections. Cultural collections can contain thousands of artifacts, of which each typically possesses a diverse set of properties constituting a unique relationship to the rest of the collection. Therefore, to create an appropriate representation of the complex data of each underlying artifact, oftentimes it is not only interesting to get an overview about the entire collection from one perspective, but to explore the particular context and relations of individual items. To investigate the potential of relational perspectives we selected an art collection as a particularly promising case study. By following a collaborative and iterative design process with an art museum, we developed a web interface that contrasts a collection overview with three perspective-dependent views to examine the viability of this approach and to expose the diversity of each artifact.
Mark-Jan Bludau
Marian Dörk
Frank Heidmann

