Bildnis einer bäuerlichen Familie
ReFa identifier
Name or identifier
Bildnis einer bäuerlichen Familie
1 Kostümbild: Neapolitan. Familie (Contardini) von Luigi Scorrano
Date / Time of creation
1869 - 1881
19. Jahrhundert
Object type
Categories / Subject keywords
37,4 x 26,7 x 1,4 cm
Öl auf Leinwand
P65 shows visual item
P128 carries
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Nummer
P190 has symbolic content: 127
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Aufschrift
P190 has symbolic content: Achtung - liegt locker im Rahmen
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Nummer
P190 has symbolic content: 318.
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Hinweis auf Künstler
P190 has symbolic content: Luigi L [L durchgestrichen] Icorrano
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Ort
P190 has symbolic content: Neapel
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
E34 Inscription
P2 has type: Ort, Besitzer, Preis
P190 has symbolic content: Hotel Z[..., Sütterlin?] 8,-
P3 has note: Spannrahmen
Related activity
E7 Activity
P2 has type: Grunderfassung
P4 has time-span: 2013-11-15
Changed ownership through
E8 Acquisition
P82 at some time within: 1882-03-21
Has parts
Is Part Of

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